Creating with Expressions In Ink Suite & Card Samples using Page 96 Card Sketch Designs (video & download – 3 of 10)

Stampin’ Up! makes creating so easy with their coordinating products, and project samples in their catalogs.

In this blog post (& video below) I’m sharing details about the Expressions In Ink Suite found on page 96 & 97 of the 2021-2022 Annual Catalog, along with card sketches & samples.



Stampin’ Up!’s catalogs have amazing samples we can duplicate, or use for inspiration to create projects with different products.

There are 5 beautiful project samples for each suite the 2021-2022 Annual Catalog.

I created a Card Sketch Flyer for the 5 projects in the Expressions In Ink Suite on page 96 to make it easier to duplicate.  Card sketches are great for creative inspiration, with lots of flexibility.   Note: If the project was a notecard or packaging idea; I created a card layout.

Click Here to download PDF of Card Sketch Flyer


A few details about the Card Sketches:

  • Cardbase can be 5-1/2” x 8-1/2 scored/folded at 4-1/4” or 4-1/4” x 11” scored/folded at 5-1/2”
  • Decorative Image can be any size or shape
  • Layers can be designer paper or cardstock (stamped or textured with embossing folder)
  • Add as many layers as desired
  • Adhere layers & images with adhesive &/or Dimensionals
  • Optional Ribbon/Trim can be tied into bow or knot


I also created 6 card samples using the card sketches & products in the Expressions In Ink Suite, along with a few other items (see supply list on bottom of this post).

CLICK HERE  for blog post with more details for above card

CLICK HERE for blog post with supply list, measurements & instructions (PDF) for above card


This is my third post/video in a series of ten sharing 2021-2022 Annual Catalog Suites & the Card Sketch Flyers.  As I create the videos I will add them to my ‘Creating with Suites in the 2021-22 Annual Catalog / Card Sketch Designs’ YouTube Playlist CLICK HERE


See the below video for more details about the Expressions In Ink Suite & Page 96 Card Sketch Designs:

Note: My videos are unedited and may contain bloopers (misspoken words or technical errors).





Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks for stopping by, stay safe and healthy

My June 2021 Host Code Special:

♥ Place a $30 Stampin’ Up! order (before shipping & tax) using my Host Code (CMYB7X6N) and receive a Fun Fold Card Packet* & link to video as my Thank You gift! (details below)

*Fun Fold Card Packet Details: The packet contains materials for one full size Fun Fold card & mini card to attach to instruction postcard with link to unlisted YouTube video for assembly instructions. All materials are cut and ready to stamp & assemble (use your own adhesive, stamps & inks). Each month I will feature a different Fun Fold Card. 


♥ Place a $50 Stampin’ Up! order (before shipping & tax) with me using my Host Code (CMYB7X6N) and receive a Fun Fold Card Packet* (details above), plus receive a Create with Terri Card Kit Packet** as my Thank You gift! (details below).

**June 2021 Create with Terri Card Kit contains: six – 4″ x 6″ Designer Series Papers (one each of the Hand-Penned Designer Series Paper), twelve – 5-1/2″ x 8-1/2″ coordinating color cardstock (2 – Blushing Bride, 2- Daffodil Delight, 2 – Garden Green, 2 – Highland Heather,  2 – Mint Macaron, 2 – Pale Papaya) 


Click here for a direct link to my store with my June 2021 Host Code (CMYB7X6N) automatically added to your order. Please remove Host Code if your order is over $150 so you receive Host Rewards.


NOTE: When placing on-line orders of $150 or more… do not use my current Host Code as I want you to receive Stampin’ Rewards. I will mail you the above items as a Thank You gift for your on-line order.

Below are some of the Stampin’ Up! Products used in this post: (click product image(s)  for direct link to my Stampin’ Up! store):


  1. I absolutely love your Samples Terri. Thank you.

  2. Thank-you for the measurements in your pdf card design sketches. Your cards are beautiful and inspirational.

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